Dr. Satheesh C. Raghavan, an alumnus and Bhatnagar Award winner, inaugurated the Zoological Club and awarded the C.R. Raghavan Memorial Endowment to the top B.Sc. final year students for 2023-2024, including Snehapriya EP, Nandana K., and Swathi Janardhanan, who each received cash prizes and mementos. Dr. Sathees also pledged further support for the department. The ceremony was presided over by Dr. Swaran and included a welcoming speech by Dr. Sapna Jacob and a vote of thanks from Mr. Praveen. The awardees shared their accomplishments during the event, inspiring the junior students.

Zoological club & dept of Zoology arranged welcome party for the first year students with variety of programmes. Club secretary and teachers spoke to students.

Dr Jiji V Joseph, Associate Professor and Research guide, Department of Zoology, Government Brennenn college and a proud alumnous of our dept. interacted with final year BSc Zoology students on higher studies and research options in Zoology. Mr.Praveen Kumar MK introduced the guest and Miss Induja DK proposed vote of thanks. 28 students participated in the programme. The programme was conducted as part of the alumni interaction initiative of Zoology Department – ‘Tracks We Leave’

A hands on training on basic first aid practices organized by Dept of Zoology in association with IQAC on 7-8-24 at seminar hall at 1.30 pm. Around 100 students from various departments participated in the session. The programme was inaugurated by Principal, Dr. Santhosh VM. Dr. Swaran P R, Hod, Zoology Dept. welcomed the gathering and Dr. Sapna Jacob proposed vote of thanks. The session concluded at 4 pm.

Students from Ryan English School (Kunhimangalam ) Visited Zoology museum (total 150 students & 6 staff). Students and staff explained to them on the interesting specimens and cleared their doubts.

NSS Unit 10 organized a Blood Stem Cell Donation Awareness and Registration Camp in association with Department of Zoology, Botany, IQAC and DKMS BMST. Blood stem cell donation is the last hope for fatal diseases like leukemia. The event was organised by DKMS BMST Foundation India. Students facilitated and helped about 200 students who were interested in blood stem cell donation registration. Principal in charge Dr. Premachandran Keezhoth inaugurated the programme Ashwin Dev. IQAC Coordinator and HOD Zoology Dr. P R Swaran, NSS Unit 10 Programme Officer Dr Surekha T V, Secretary Vishnu C V and Zoology Association Secretary Atheena spoke on the occasion..

Dr. P V Mohanan, Retired Assistant Director of Animal Husbandry and a proud alumnus of the Department of Zoology, Payyannur College, spoke to the students about his arctic travel experiences. During his visit, he saw a variety of organisms.
The students were shown pictures and videos of the arctic animals and birds. He spoke about the melting of ice in the polar regions due to global warming and how every small human activity, including burning of plastic, paper and garbage in our daily life, has a serious impact on the environment near and far.
District President of the Indian Veterinery Association Dr. Sariga presided and the College Principal in charge Dr. Premachandran Keezhoth inaugurated the function.
Dr Sapna Jacob welcomed the gathering. Dr Neethu P V introduced Dr. Mohanan, Dr PR Swaran and Dr. P,
Jayamohan and others spoke. Dr. Jishnu P thanked the gathering.

As a part of the curriculum, 5th semester students of BSc Zoology went trekking at Ranipuram Hill, Kasaragod district, Kerala, on 4th July 2024 under the guidance of Induja D K, and Athulya P P, Guest teachers of Zoology Department, Payyannur College. The trip started from Payyannur College at 8.30 AM and reached the destination around 11.30 AM. Around 3’O clock reached hill top and then spend some time there at the top and enjoyed the beauty of nature and around 5 PM we completed the trekking. |

Environment day - Around 60 students, 2 faculty and a Research scholar from the Kerala Fisheries' University, Payyanur Regional campus visited the department as part of world environment day. There was a short interaction on the importance of the day and its theme and a visit to the zoology museum. Details of the specimens were explained by the research scholars - Anushya AV, Savitha Mohanan KM, Jithina M and Sachin Chandran. Planting of saplings was also conducted as part of the day. HoD Dr Swaran P R lead the programmes.

An orientation class (part 2) was conducted via the Zoom platform to explore options for higher studies. The session aimed to introduce students to various opportunities and courses available for further academic advancements. Resource persons for the program included Bhavya Lakshmi (M.Sc. Zoology, Central University of Kerala), Anagha Parvathi C. M. (M.Sc. Zoology, Mangalore University), Nanditha K. M. (M.Sc. Zoology, Calicut University), and Gopika Babu B. (M.Sc. Applied Zoology, Kannur University).This orientation was part of a collaborative program under the faculty and student exchange activities, as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the Zoology Departments of Nehru Arts and Science College and Payyanur College. |

An orientation class (part 1) was conducted via the Zoom platform to explore options for higher studies. The session aimed to introduce students to various opportunities and courses available for further academic advancement. Resource persons for the program included Keerthi kumar P V (M.Sc. Animal Biology an Biotecnology, HCU), Sreelakshmi V P (M.Sc. Zoology, CUK Kerala), Sneha T E(Bed Natural Science NSS ottapalam), Anand s (M.Sc. Zoology, GBC Thalassery),Soorya Mohan (MSc Marine Biology and Ocean Studies, P U) and Sravan M A , Msc food Science and Technology, England).This orientation was part of a collaborative program under the faculty and student exchange activities, as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the Zoology Departments of Nehru Arts and Science College and Payyanur College. The programme was conducted as part of the alumni interaction initiative of Zoology Department – ‘Tracks We Leave’ |

The department setup a stall at the exhibition held at Edanad west LP school as apart of their annual day celebrations.the stall was visited by the students and parents and was well appreciated

Zoospark, a mega exhibition organized by the Zoology Department of Payyanur College on March 18, 2024, was inaugurated by Principal Dr. Santhosh V. M., who unveiled a poster of Prof. John C. Jacob. The presentation of diverse preserved specimens, live organisms, a photo exhibition, a food fest, ghost house of skeletons and game sessions were the highlights of the program.

Field visit to different laterite habitats of the area was conducted with III semester BSc students. Dr P R Swaran and Dr Shilpa O accompanied the students and explained on the features of the systems.

Butterfly garden & museum renovation- students and staff planted new seedlings and planned for QR code labelling of host plants of butterfly garden and specimens of museum.

The death anniversary of first HoD and pioneer of the environment movements in Kerala, Prof. John C Jacob was observed on 11-10-2023 at Zoology lab with screening of the film ‘Kananam – The spirit of silent valley; and sharing the memories by faculty and staff.

Wildlife week was celebrated with different programs. The Programs included Wildlife documentary screening on 3, 4, 5 and 6th October 2023; Wildlife Quiz on 6th October 2023 and poster making competition on the theme ‘wildlife’ and group presentations on the theme ‘partnership for wildlife conservation’

Freshers’ Day was arranged to officially welcome First Year students to the Department. Senior students organized the programme with variety of tasks and address by the faculty.

Sidharth S, Research Scholar (JRF,CSIR), Dept. of Botany, interacted with final year BSc Zoology and Botany students on different PG Entrance Exams and the things to be taken care while preparing. Focus of the interaction was JAM and CUET Exams.

Department of Zoology, Payyanur College felicitated the students who achieved high marks in Kannur University Degree Examination 2023. Top winners were awarded with endowment sponsered by Dr. Sathees C Ragavan, Alumnus of Zoology department, Payyanur college and Scientist at Indian Institute of Science, Banglore. Sneha T.E, Sreelakshmi V.P, Anand S and Keerthi Kumar P.V received cash prize and memento from the College Principal Dr. V.M Santhosh. students of Zoology batch 2023-2023 handed over a speaker to the Department. Dr. Swaran P.R, Head of the Department, Dr.Sapna Jacob, Associate Professor, Mr.Praveenkumar M.K, Assistant Professor, Mrs.Pooja Ashok, Guest lecture and Mr. Rukinudheen, Lab assistant felicitated. Gopika from Third year Zoology delivered vote of thanks.

Dr. Prasad TK, Head of the Department, Department of Geography, Kannur University was invited as the chief guest of the program. He emphasised the need of educators to adapt and innovate to ensure effective learning in a world that is changing from traditional classrooms to digital platforms, to create better humans and the best in society. Dr.P.R. Swaran, Head of the Department, Mr.Praveenkumar MK, Assistant Professor, Mrs.Pooja Ashok, Guest lecture felicitated on the occasion. Sreelakshmi from first year zoology delivered vote of thanks.

Dr Praseet Sivaswamy Poduval, Programme Director, Cell and Gene Therapy, Public Health England (presently in Netherlands) lead an interactive session on treatment of cancer, challenges ahead. Principal – in – Charge, Dr A C Sreehari inaugurated, Dr Swaran P R welcomed, Dr. Sruthi K P presided, Mr. K P sreedharan and Dr. AM Vijesh falicitated and Ms Pooja Ashok expressed vote of thanks.

Science departments of the college in association with TECHBYHEART, Bangalore organized a seminar on Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking at Seminar Hall from 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm.

In connection with Indian Independence Day, Department of Zoology in association with IQAC organized a talk on ‘Mahathma Gandhi in contemporary times’ by Dr Prasanth P, Assistant Professor, Dept of History, Payyanur College

Ms. Suhada A, District Coordinator, Biodiversity Board, Kannur discussed methodology of making a biodiversity register and the role and scope of biology students involving in such projects. Updation of people's biodiversity register of Kunhimangalam & Valapattanam Panchayat was taken up as a task for the students to take up. HoD, Dr Swaran welcomed the gathering and Dr Sapna Jacob expressed vote of thanks.

Dr. Prijesh K John, PhD in neuroscience, IISC, Bangalore & our alumnus interacted with 3rd year BSc students on his life journey and motivated the students on setting goals higher. He spoke about PG and PhD options in life sciences at prestigious institutes in India and abroad. The programme was conducted as part of the alumni interaction initiative of Zoology Department – ‘Tracks We Leave’

Department of zoology and Department of Botany and in joint orientation with Malabar kaipad farmer Producer Company Ltd. organized an awareness programme entitled “Natural organic Kaipad Rice tracts of North Kerala and its nutritional Products’ on 4th July 2023 at College Seminar hall. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. Santhosh. V.M. Principal, Payyanur College and the technical session was handled by Prof. (Dr). Vanaja T. Head, RARS & Director, Kaipad Agency, Govt. of Kerala. Over 60 students and many staff participated in the programme.

Prebin Premarajan, Animal Science department, Wageningen University, Netherlands and a proud alumnus of the department interacted online with students and staff on the research methods in animal science and his experience in Netherlands. The programme was conducted as part of the alumni interaction initiative of Zoology Department – ‘Tracks We Leave’

Alumnus of 2004-2007 batch, Sony R. K, Manager, Food and Land Use Coalition, World resources Institute, India, spoke to the students of the Department of Zoology on 14th February on “The Politics of Environmental Knowledge”. Mr. Sony emphasized the role of students in environment movements pointing out the legacy of our department and its leader Prof. John C Jacob who lead the earliest environmental movements in Kerala.

ZOSAPC & the Department of Zoology together published an academic book of an alumnus of the department , Mr. Unnikrishnan M. P. on moths titled “A Beginner’s Field Guide to Moths of Malabar”, which described 50 moth families on 01. 02. 2023. The book was released by Honorable Vice Chancellor of Kannur university Prof. Gopinath Raveendran and received by PES Secretary Mr. John Joseph Thayyil. It is the first Academic Book published by a student in the history of Payyanur College and it is the first book published by College Management & one of her Alumni organization (ZOSAPC).
The Department organized a Research Methodology Workshop for III BSc Zoology Students on 20. 01. 2023. JRF- UGC scholar of the Department, Mr. Sachin Chandran was the Resource Person. He discussed various aspects like, the methodology of research, steps of developing a good research proposal and related aspects

Zoological Club and the Department organized an exhibition Zoo- Mazing: Science Expo, on 13.01.2023, which was open to all the students of the College, nearby Schools and the public residing near the College. The exhibits were the rare and precious specimens of the Department. Along with it, a medical camp run by the students was also organised to help the expo visitors check their Blood pressure, BMI, colour Blindness, Eye sight and blood group. Interesting short videos of animal kingdom were also played in one room. Interesting Quiz competitions for the school kids were also organized.

BSc Final Year student Ms. Adhithya K V demonstrated many ‘Asanas’ which falls under Yogas for Daily Life in the programme organized by the Department of Zoology and NSS Unit 10 as a part of the International Yoga Day Celebrations of 2022 on 21.06.22 at the Seminar Hall

In connection with the World Environment Day, Zoology & Botany Departments together organized a talk on “Only One Earth” in association with the IQAC & Bhoomitra Sena Club of Payyanur College on 07.06.2022. Renowned Environmentalist T. P. Padmanabhan Master gave the keynote address & inaugurated the function. After the technical session a field study “A walk with Nature” was also conducted to Edat Hills and the nearby Mangrove forests. 46 students participated in the program