Department of Political Science, Payyanur College and Electoral Literacy Club Payyanur College, in association with FDJS organised a lecture on Challenges and Opportunities of Indian Republic on 24 January 2024 at 7 pm in online mode. The Principal Dr. V M Santhosh inaugurated the program. The resourse person Dayal Paleri, Research Scholar, IIT Madras spoke about contemporary issues of Indian republic. The students of department of political science participated in the programme

As part of Independence Day celebration the department of Political Science organised a seminar on Constitution and India on 12 January 2024 at college Seminar Hall. Mr Aswin Dev, Secretary of the Political Science Association, welcomed the gathering. C. P Shiju, Kannur District Panchayath Member inaugurated the programme and delivered his speech on Constitution and India. The students from various the department participated in the programme.

The Department of Political Science, Payyanur College, Payyanur organized a career opportunities programme on 14 December 2023 at 6.30 pm in online mode. Dr Ajith Kumar Head of the department of Political Science welcomed the gathering. Resourse person Dr K Gireesan, Director and Associate Dean, MIT World Peace University, Pune delivered his speech. He shared his experience and spoke about the career opportunities for the students of political science. The speech concluded by a vote of thanks by Dr. Dinesan D A, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science.
The Political Science Department and Political Science Association celebrated Teacher's Day in online mode on 5th September 2023 at 5:30 pm. Dr. Dinesan DA, Dr. Ajith Kumar P, and Dr. Sudheesh KM delivered lectures on the importance of Teachers' Day, and the students honoured their teachers. Kum. Nandana Raj (BA Political Science, 3rd Year), Brinda K Naveen (BA Political Science, 2nd Year), and Kum Insha Zainaba (BA Political Science, 2nd Year) conducted various sessions related to Political Science. The program concluded at 6:45 pm. Around 35 students and teachers participated the programme.

As part of 75th anniversary of Indian Independence, the Department of Political Science, in collaboration with the Social Science Forum, Payyanur College organized a poster exhibition on 24 August 2023. The Principal Dr. V M Santhosh inaugurated the program held at seminar hall. Poster Exhibition embraces the posters of the news published by Malayala Manorama (Daily) related to the India’s freedom struggle. The poster collection belonged to Dr. M C Vasisht (Associate Professor (Rtd), Malabar Christian College, Kozhikode).

As part of Independence Day celebration the department of Political Science conducted a debate on Indian Democracy on 15 August 2023. Dr Ajith Kumar Head of the department of Political Science inaugurated the programme. The debate mainly focused on contemporary democracy and politics. Abdulla, student of Department of Economics got the first place in the competition. The students from various the department participated in the programme

The Department of Political Science, Payyanur College, Payyanur organized a one-day seminar on the topic “South Asian Women Experience on 11 July 2023. Students from various departments of Payyanur College attended the programme. Resource person, Dr Sudha Kumari shared her experiences. She vividly portrayed the realities around us through her experience. Dr Ajith Kumar P (HoD) welcomed the gathering. Principal Dr. Santhosh VM presided over the programme. Pravisha P, College union representative extended vote of thanks. Students enthusiastically participated and interacted with resource person.

The Department of Political Science & Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Payyanur College, Payyanur, jointly organised an Invited Lecture in connection with Republic Day Celebrations on 25th January 2023 between 11.30 and 2.30 at Payyanur College Seminar Hall. Prof. (Dr.) Santhosh V.M., Principal, formally inaugurated the seminar. Dr Arun Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Kerala & Former Associate Executive Editor, 24 News Channel delivered lectures on the topic, “India as an Idea @73.” Dr Arun Kumar said that India is not a state alone; it is also an idea. Both as a state and an idea, it is evolving. He equated India with half stitched cotton. He argued that idea of India is rooted in, what Ambedkar called, Union of Trinity, i.e., liberty, equality and fraternity. Dr Sudheesh K.M., Assistant Professor of Political Science, welcomed the gathering and Dr Swaran P.R., Coordinator, Internal Quality Assurance Cell, expressed vote of thanks.

The Department of Political Science and IQAC, Payyanur College organised a special talk in connection with Republic Day celebrations on January 25, 2023 via Google Meet at 7 pm. The topic of the Special talk was “Democracy in the Neo-Liberal Era: Indian Experiences”. The central idea of the lecture was to facilitate debates and discussions on issues in Indian Democracy particularly after 1991. Dr. Sebastian N, Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Sikkim Central University was the key speaker. He spoke about how the Neo liberal policies affect the Indian democratic system and changing nature of democratic values. The students from the department and International Relations, Sikkim Central University participated in the online special talk. After the talk, the discussion continued for half an hour and the programme came to an end at 9 pm. Around 82 participants got benefitted from the programme.

Department of Political Science, Payyanur College, in association with IQAC, Organised One day Workshop on Research Methodology on 18/01/2023. Dr. Devaraj P I, Assistant Professor of Phylosophy, Sree Shankaracharya University, Payyanur Region, inaugurated the program. Sri. Prasanth M., Librarian, University of Calicut, made special talk on the topic, “Research Reports: Components & Writing” in the workshop. The program started at 10 am and continued till 3.30 pm. The students of Political Science department were the beneficiaries of the programme.

Social Science Forum, Payyanur College, Payyanur, with the financial assistance from Institute of Parliamentary Affairs, Government of Kerala, organised One Day National Seminar on 75 Years of India’s Democratic Experience on 29th November 2022. The seminar was formally inaugurated by the Hon. Member of Kerala Legislative Assembly, Sri. M. Vijin. Prof. (Dr.) Santhosh V.M., Principal, presided over the inaugural function. Prof. Shaji Varkey, former Professor & Head Department of Political Science and former Dean of Social Sciences, University of Kerala, delivered key note address. Prof. Rajaram Tholppady, former Director of Department of Political Science, University of Mangalore, Sri Shamseer P.K., Research Scholar, Jawaharlal Nehru University, handled different technical sessions.

Department of Political Science, Payyanur College & FDJS Payyanur College in association with Department of Political Science, EKNM Government College, Elerithattu Celebrated Constitution Day on 26/11/2022 in Online Mode. The Program started at 10 am. Dr. Biveesh U C Director General of Parliamentary Affairs, Government of Kerala inagruated the program. Dr. Dinesan D A Head of Political Science Payyanur College Made welcome speech, Dr. Ganesan D A., Head of Political Science, EKNM Government College made special address in the session. Insha Zinaba, Sana Fatima, Fathimath Jannath T N, Amal K V, Vrinda M V, Aswathi Krishna, Uthara C.P presented their papers in various sessions. The Program concluded at 12.30 pm.

Political Science Dept of Payyanur college Conducted the First session of Payyanur College Model United Nations (PCMUN) on 5th November, 2022 Friday from 9.00 to 5.00 at the college Seminar Hall. Our committee was Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM) (General Assembly - III) discussing the Agenda Refugee Crisis, Migration and Border Security. College Principal Dr Santhosh V M, Political Science Dept Head Dr Dinesan D A, Asst. Prof Dr Ajith Kumar attended the Committee as Observers. The Committee was chaired by Sana Fathima (Secretary General), Insha Zainaba (Vice Chair, Director General) and Brinda K Naveen (Rapetour). The Committee was concluded by passing the resolution 1.1 by Consensus.

As part of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, Department of Political Science and the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Payyanur College, in collaboration with Institute of Parliamentary Affairs, Government of Kerala, organized a one-day National Webinar in hybrid mode on "Indian Democracy and Development: 75 Years of Experience." Dr. Biju B L Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at Central University, Hyderabad, presented the topic. The seminar was inaugurated by Dr. Bivish UC, the Director General of the Institute of Parliamentary Affairs. Pramod Vellachal, a Syndicate Member of Kannur University, and Dr. P R Swaran, the IQAC Coordinator, delivered speech. Around 60 participants become the beneficiaries of the programme in online and offline mode.

The students of the Political Science Batch 2008-2011 assembled in the College Seminar Hall on July 8, 2022, at 10:30 am. Subin Babu, an alumnus and Assistant Manager of South Indian Bank, presided over the function. The teachers, Dr. Dinesan DA (Head of the Department), Dr. Ganesan DA (EKN M Govt. College), and Mrs. Rajitha (Teacher), delivered speeches. Approximately 27 students shared their experiences on post-college life. The meeting concluded at 3:30 pm. (alumni)