An interaction with eminent scientist program is organised by the Dept. of Physics, Payyanur College on 21.07.2023 at PG Hall of the Department at 2.00 pm. The HOD of the Department welcomed the gathering and introduced the resource person Dr. Navaneeth Poonthottathil. The presence of Mr. Jubeesh M K, Assistant Professor, Govt. College also mentioned in the welcome address. Dr. Navaneeth Poonthottathil, Assistant Professor, IIT Kanpur interacted with the students of V Semester UG and III Semester PG students. He made clear that knowledge of any one of the computational languages is most needed skills to be acquired at the UG level itself. The program was attended by about 50 participants which included faculties, research scholars and students.

The Department of PG Studies & Research in Physics, Payyanur College organised a Research Workshop on 27.05.2023, Saturday at the Department of PG Studies & Research in Physics, Payyanur College in association with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and Research Committee of Payyanur College. The workshop was held online and Ms. Shilpa Pavithran, Student Assistant, Friedrich Alexander University, Germany was the resource person. Her online existence and sharing of experience during the occasion made the event successful. The talk delivered on ‘Masters and Research Practices in Data Science Abroad’ has certainly motivated the participants. A total of 40 participants were there for the program, including teachers, research scholars and students.