Payyanur College Library
Our college maintains an automated, modern, and well-equipped reference library to support and facilitate teaching, learning, and research. The Central Library provides a calm and comfortable reading section with diverse journals, magazines and newspapers. A separate career guidance section provides a wide range of career-oriented books and magazines. The Central Library is fully automated with the software Book Magic for the in-house management. It enables customizable search, book circulation, barcode printing, report generation, fine calculation etc. The catalogue of the library is available online (WEBOPAC). Institutional resources, like previous years’ question papers, newspaper clippings, e-books, and dissertations/theses, faculty publications are made available to the users through using DSpace Digital Library. Special provisions are made for the support of the print-disabled learners. The college is registered under the NLIST programme and, hence, entitled to access 6000+ e-journals and 31,35,000+ e-books. Registered users can access NLIST resources from anywhere. The College has also been accepted as an institutional member of DELNET. This allows users to access the Major Digital Library Resource in South Asia, with 3,50,00,000+ books available for loan,1,00,000+ list of journals, 5,000+ full-text e-journals and 1,00,000+ thesis/dissertations.

Working Time
09:00 AM to 04:30 PM on all working days including saturdays.
Important Rules
- Books borrowed from the library should be returned within 15 days.
- Fine will be collected as per Govt. orders for delayed return.
- If a book is lost, the borrower should replace the book or pay its value as per rules.
- Personal belongings such as bag, umbrella, books etc. are to be kept in the Belongings Rack kept for the same.
- All books borrowed from the library should be returned at the end of every academic year for Annual Stock Verification.