Sathi Madhusudhanan
Hindi Alumni Association

Dr. N M Sreekanth
Hindi Alumni Association

Guru Prasad C P
Joint Secretary
Hindi Alumni Association

One Day National Workshop on Official Language Hindi was oraganised in collaboration with Hindustan Organic Chemicals Ltd., Govt. of India, on 28/02/2024. The Workshop was inaugurated by the College Principal Dr. Santhosh V M. K. K. Ramachandran, Dy. Director (OL) (retd.), Income Tax Dept. Kochi, P. K. Padmanabhan, (retd.) Senior Manager (retd.), BPCL, Coimbatore and O. Ramesh, Chief Manager (HR/OL), HOCL, Kochi, handled the sessions on various aspects of Official Language Hindi and its opportunities. The students of the dept. shared their thoughts and cleared their queries about official Language Hindi. Dr. Sindhu A, HoD, Chaired the workshop sessions.

On 8/11/2023 at Hindi Hall a lecture was organized on the topic, " Kavita mein Prakriti." Prof. Pramod Kovappurath, Hindi Department, Calicut University spoke on the topic. Ms. Sreemaya C. welcomed the audience and Varun K, a 3rd year Hindi student, delivered Vote of Thanks.

National Hindi Day was celebrated by the Dept. of Hindi. The Fortnight celebration was inaugurated by Prof. Unnikrishnan K. V. (Former HoD, Dept. of Hindi, Payyanur College, Payyanur) on 15/09/2023. The Fortnight celebration proceeded with a talk by Dr. Seema Chandran, Assistant Professor, Central University of Kerala on the topic ‘Hindi Bhasha aur Jeevan Kaushal’ on 18/09/2023.

National Reading Day was celebrated by the Dept. of Hindi on 22/06/2023. Reading being an essential part of academic progress and wellbeing, students were introduced to a new world where Jalaja Rajeev ‘Angane yangane’ (Malayalam Novel, plot dealing with Payyanur and its people) was discussed and reviewed during the session. Jalaja Rajeev an Alumni of the Department of Hindi, expressed her views on being a writer. The Book was introduced to the students by the well-known Malayalam critic Dr. Nishi George. Dr. A. C. Sreehari, poet & writer, also gave his thoughts on the Novel. Students also actively participated in the discussion. Teachers and Students from Malayalam and English Department were also present for the Programme.

SFPC Alumni Talk Series for advanced learner Programme was inaugurated by Dr. Santhosh V M, Principal Payyanur college in a function presided over by Dr. N M Sreekanth of Hindi Department, Payyanur College on 21 March 2023. Dr. Aravindan, Principal Navajyothi College, Cherupuzha and former HoD & Alumni of Hindi Department, Payyanur College was the Chief Guest. He delivered a keynote address on the topic “HIGHER EDUCATION IN HINDI, GOALS AND OPPORTUNITIES”. The Chief Guest contributed books worth of Rs. 25,000 to the Department Library.

Manager Pandey Smriti Diwas was Organised by the UG and Research Department of Hindi in connection with the loving memory of renowned critic of Hindi Language and Literature ‘Manager Pandey’ on 09/01/2023, 10.00 am., Seminar Hall, Payyanur College. Being an enthusiastic and dedicated academician in the area of Hindi Language and Literature, Dr. Prabhakara Hebbar Illath, Professor, Dept. of Hindi, University of Calicut, was invited as the Resource Person to give a presentation on the topic titled Manager Pandey ka ‘Muktikami’ Chintan. (मैनेजर पाण्डेप का 'मुक्तिकामी' चिंतन)

In connection with SFPC Alumni Talk Series, the second talk was delivered by Prof. K Janardanan (Former HoD & Alumni, Dept. of Hindi, Payyanur College, Payyanur) on the Topic Marxian Aesthetics and Literature on 17 March 2022. Students got a great opportunity to listen and have an interaction on Marxian Aesthetic Theory and Literature. It was a vibrant Session with students actively participating in the interaction.

With an aim of introducing Eminent Alumnus of the Dept. of Hindi, SFPC Alumni Talk Series was Inaugurated by Dr. P Balakrishnan, Former Principal & President Alumni Association, Payyanur College, Payyanur. On this occasion Students who achieved First, Second & Third position at University and College Level achieved were also Felicitated. Principal Dr. V M Santhosh made the occasion more special by his presence. The first SFPC Alumni Talk was delivered by Dr. Seema Chandran, Asst. Professor, Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod on Hindi Diwas Aur Hindi Upayogita. The organizer of the Talk Series Dr. Sreemaya C gave the Vote of Thanks.

On the occasion of Hindi Fortnight Celebration with respect of Hindi Day 14th September UG & Research Department of Hindi, Payyanur college, Payyanur conducted a talk under SAMVAD talk series on 28/09/2019 and also conducted various competition such as poetry recitation, elocution competition and quiz competition. Former HoD and as established personality of Hindi in Kerala Dr. Aravindan M delivered a talk on Hindi language and its opportunities in Hindi. HoD Dr. Preethi K delivered welcome address, Dr. V M Santhosh, Suresh delivered felicitation for this Programme. More than hundred students participated.

The UG & Research Department of Hindi, Payyanur college, Payyanur began its very first talk series Samvad on 26.07.19 in connection with Premchand Jayanti. The eminent personalities of south India Prof. V G Gopalakrishnan and Prof. P Ravi of Sree Sankaracharya university of Sanskrit Kalady blessed the occasion with their presence Prof. V G Gopalakrishnan inaugurated the talk series samvad and Prof. P Ravi gave a talk on Premchand and his literature. The talk series was chaired by College Principal Dr. P C Sreenivas and the HoD Dr. Preethi gave the welcome speech. More than hundred students participated.

Chayawaad is a period where modernism completely blossoms in Hindi Poetry. Where poetry breaks its barriers of all tradition ways of writing and analyzing poetry. Romanticism in English poetry is the near match for Chayawaad in Hindi. It is considered that Chayawaad began from the year 1918 and the Year 2018 marks the 100 Years of Chayawaad. It is also considered as one of the best era in Modern Hindi Poetry. To make sure that our students learn and understand the relevance of Chayawaad and the works during the era the Dept. of Hindi celebrated the 100 Years Chayawaad on 27/02/2019. Prof. Dr. Pramod Kovvaprath, Dept. of Hindi, Calicut University, was invited as the chief guest of the Programme. He gave a brief idea about Chayawaad and its relevance in Modern Hindi Poetry. Students actively participated in the discussion there after.

In Connection with National Hindi Day 14th September, Hindi Day was Celebrated by the Dept. of Hindi on 27/09/2018. Prof. Janardhanan, Rtd. Professor of the Department delivered a speech on Language, Literature and society.” Dr. Sreemaya C delivered welcome speech, Dr. Sindhu A gave the Presidential address and students discussed on the topic. Dr. Mini A R delivered vote of thanks for the function. An active participation of more than hundred students made the occasion a grand success, student also discussed on the various aspects and opportunities in Hindi