N-LIST stands for “National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content”. The programme was funded by the MHRD under NME-ICT to extend access to selected e-resources to colleges covered under section 12B of UGC Act as well as to Non-aided College. The programme has
submitted under e-ShodhSindhu (eSS) consortium as college component from year 2014 being funded by University Grants Commission.
Dear Students, College has subscribed to N-LIST which offers immense access to variety of educational and informative resources (E books and E Journals). Users will have to click on members Login through NLIST website. It will display list of E-Resources to access its full-texts.
Once user details have been successfully uploaded on this service. You will receive activation links and some of you will receive in a couple of days (Inform Librarian). You will receive an email from N-LIST in which you will be given an activation link. You will click on that link that will lead you to a page were you will be asked for ID and Password. Your email id will act as your user ID example xyzabc@gmail.com and the password example WO987654321 (which will be given in your mail ID). Once you activate your account you will be able to access the diverse educational resources in the form of E-Resources. After activation whenever you want to access the resources type below mentioned website on your browser.